What do you do with all those Birthday Cake Pictures that you've inevitably collected over the years?
They're probably in some long forgotten shoe box or stored on your computer right? Well let's give them new life as a source of inspiration for other visitors. We want to hear and see yours!
We know you've come up with some very crafty and creative birthday cake decorating ideas in your quest for an unforgettable birthday or family celebration.
You probably spent hours looking in different places for lots of cake ideas to inspire you. And while a picture says a lot it would have been nice to have a few words that actually explained how to make that 'perfect' cake you found.
That's why I started this website - to share what I know and love with you. But I am just one person , without your help, I just can't cover all the great cake decorating ideas there are to discover. Together we can grow an amazing collection of birthday cake ideas, designs and inspiration from all over the country. So the next time you're stuck for ideas on how to decorate that special cake you can just pop in here and find as many great ideas as you'll ever need.
It doesn't matter what level of expertise you're at now. We want all kinds of cakes for all kinds of cake divas.
So what are you waiting for?
Dust off those birthday cake pictures right now and send them in.
Show Off Your Creative Side
Please describe your cake, explain how you made it, what decorating techniques were used, how long it took you, was it made with a mix or from scratch, what was the occasion, what was your inspiration and any other details you'd like to share! Please tell us in as much detail as possible so that all our visitors can enjoy making a cake that you inspired!
Happy Posting...